Tuesday, March 11, 2025
1900 Kanawha Boulevard,
East Charleston, WV 25305
Phone: (304) 558-4331
Fax: (304) 558-2999
Office hours:
9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.



Board of Directors’ Meeting
February 19, 2009

Members Present: Marc Monteleone, Chairman
                                Roy Smith
                                Rodney Clay
                                Tom Winter
                                Bud Sprouse

Department of Administration: Scott Mason, General Services Division

Others Present: Lloyd W. Miller, AIA - Visions Architects
                            Bob Hardman, Glenville State College Lloyd Miller

Members Absent: Woody Thrasher
                                Mary Jo Klempa
                                Ron Spradling

The meeting was called to order by Chairman Monteleone. A silent roll call was taken and it was determined that a quorum was present.

Approval of Minutes:

Approval of the minutes were laid over until the next meeting.

New Business:
Presentation by Glenville State College

Mr. Hardman, with Glenville State College, advised the board that they opened the cost proposals yesterday for the project. Present at the meeting was the evaluation team, including Scott Mason representing the Department of Administration on behalf of the board. Also present was BBL Carlton, Todd Corey, Paul Tennett with Associated Architects, and Terry Crouse with Massaro Corporation. The bids were opened and Massaro Corporation bid $24,656,000.00 and BBL Carlton bid $23,420,000.00. Those bids were put into the formula and BBL Carlton was the overall successful bidder with a score of 198.200 while Massaro had a score of 189.987. There was no information contained in the bids regarding financing. Mr. Hardman did talk to a representative of BBL Carlton concerning the financing. One of the banks in West Virginia is interested. They anticipate a commitment from the banks within three to four weeks. Then it will take a period of time to close out the documents. Mr. Hardman believes they can have the financing within six weeks.

Mr. Smith questioned whether there were any protests. Mr. Hardman stated there was no protests and no comments from either of the parties. They did not open the costs for Harkins Builders because they had been previously disqualified.

Mr. Hardman advised the board that Glenville’s Board of Governors met yesterday and approved the project and once they secure the financing they will go back to the Board of Governors. Chairman Monteleone advised Mr. Hardman that from this point forward they must submit a monthly report to Donna Lipscomb on behalf of the Design-Build Board. This keeps the board updated on the status of the project. They must start construction by the date identified.

Mr. Smith questioned whether they would be getting any stimulus money for the project. Mr. Hardman does not believe they will get any of those funds.

Mr. Smith moved to approve the process and allow the project to go forward. Motion seconded by Mr. Winter. All voted in favor and the motion passed.

 Old Business:

There was no old business to come before the board.

 Other Business:

Lloyd Miller again questioned the status of the investigation into the WVU project he previously reported to the board. Chairman Monteleone stated that at the last meeting Ms. Lipscomb advised that the Department of Administration’s attorney spoke with WVU and was informed this was not a design-build project as they are bidding out everything separately. Mr. Miller does not know what this has to do with getting approval of the Design-Build Board. Mr. Miller advised that the code specifically states that all agency projects that are owned or potentially owned come under the board. Mr. Miller does not believe that because they are bidding separately they should not come under the purview of the board. Chairman Monteleone requested Mr. Miller to submit a written request and they would have the attorney provide a response. The written request should be addressed to the board and sent to Donna Lipscomb. Ms. Lipscomb will have Jim Kirby provide the written response.

Mr. Smith suggested that Mr. Miller word the letter is a fashion that seeks to determine what process WVU is using on the project. They should identify which set of laws they are using on the project. They need to state whether they are using the usual process and purchasing or the design-build process. Mr. Smith advised that the board has no control. If WVU came to the board they could consider whether their project met the criteria for design-build.

Mr. Miller stated that the City of Charleston is doing their own design-build through the home rule legislation. Chairman Monteleone advised Mr. Miller that the board is aware and has submitted comments.


There being no other business to come before the Board and the meeting was adjourned.