Board of Directors’ Meeting
July 7, 2011
Members Present: Marc Monteleone, Chairman
Roy Smith
Mary Jo Klempa
Woody Thrasher
Ron Spradling
Department of
Administration: Donna Lipscomb
Others Present: Micheal Evans, Department of Administration
Lloyd Miller, Lloyd W. Miller Architect PLLC
Wayne Pifer, Mountain Line Transit Authority
Members Absent: Rodney Clay
The meeting was called to order and a silent roll call was taken and it was determined that a quorum was present.
Approval of Minutes:
Mary Jo Klempa moved for the approval of minutes of the June 23, 2011, meeting. Motion seconded by Roy Smith. All voted in favor and the motion passed and the minutes were approved.
New Business:
Presentation by Grant County Development Authority
Lloyd Miller advised the board that the Grant County Development Authority opened the proposals on June 29, 2011. The evaluation team evaluated the requests for qualifications. He indicated that they previously divided the broadband project into two separate sections, one for the building structure and the other for the fiber optic network.
They received five proposals for the building, and two for the fiber optic network. He stated that one response for the fiber optic portion was non-responsive so they decided not to accept them and put the fiber optic network back out again. Chairman Monteleone advised that the board must approve the project going forward with less than three and this was not done so they had to put it back out for solicitation. Mr. Miller stated that they evaluated all five of the proposals on the building and all were qualified. He seeks approval to send out the request for proposal.
Mr. Thrasher questioned what they planned to do with the fiber optic network. Mr. Miller indicated that he would reissue the request for qualifications to try and get more responses. He stated that the Pittsburg Building Exchange did not send the request for qualifications out to their members early enough and feels some of them will respond next time. Mr. Miller advised that he was going to re-advertise and reissue with clarifications since the one response was not responsive last time. Mr. Thrasher stated that he was concerned about rebidding as it kills the timely issue but rebidding is the right thing to do. Chairman Monteleone questioned when they planned to reissue the request. Mr. Miller said it would be within two weeks.
Mr. Smith questioned why the original project was split into two separate projects. Mr. Miller stated that they decided it would be in the best interest to split them due to the different types of work and contractors, but they still need to have the two teams work together on the one project as a whole. Chairman Monteleone questioned if any of the five proposers included a response for both the building and the fiber optic network. Mr. Miller state that March Weston included a response for both.
Chairman Monteleone stated that the project got off to a slow start and are already behind their schedule. He is concerned about rebidding due to adding two more months. The board discussed the delay of the project and expressed concerns. Mr. Miller indicated that a three week delay on the fiber optic network would not have a big impact on the project as a whole. The board approved the project to move forward. Mr. Miller was instructed to provide a new timeline to Ms. Lipscomb and the board could decide later whether to revoke their approval. Mr. Smith questioned what would happen if they reissued and they still don’t get any more than two proposals. Chairman Monteleone stated they would wait and see if that occurred. Ms. Klempa suggested they send the requests to the Wheeling association. Mr. Miller advised that it already went to all exchanges in West Virginia and in Pittsburgh.
Presentation by Monongalia Urban Mass Transit Authority
Lloyd Miller advised the board that the Monongalia Urban Mass Transit Authority wants to do a solar panel project for buses. They received a grant through stimulus money from the federal government. Funding was given for the solar panels but did not include funding for the electric buses. Mr. Smith questioned whether the funding had already been approved. Mr. Miller said it has been approved.
Chairman Monteleone questioned whether the solar panels are going to be on top of a building or just panels. Mr. Miller stated they are going to be on top of a building but close coordination is required. Chairman Monteleone questioned whether this project fit within the definition of a building under statute. Mr. Miller advised that this project is a building system and he feels it would make a good design-build project. Chairman Monteleone questioned how the timeline has a contract date for June. Mr. Miller stated that this is his contract.
Mr. Spradling questioned how many buses will this provide. Mr. Pifer advised that there are currently thirty buses in the fleet and they want to add another ten. However, this project is for the solar panels only and not the buses. Mr. Smith asked what happens when the buses are not running. Mr. Pifer indicated that the power goes to a battery exchange when not being used.
Mr. Spradling moved to approve the project. Motion seconded by Mr. Smith. All voted in favor and the project was approved.
Old Business:
There was no old business to come before the board.
Other Business:
There being no other business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned.