June 25, 2015
Members Present: Marc Monteleone, Chairman
H. “Woody” Thrasher – Via Telephone
Roy Smith
Richard Forren
John Goetz
Department of
Administration: Jason Pizatella, Cabinet Secretary
Robert Paulson, General Counsel
Jennelle Jones, Assistant General Counsel
Joyce Jones, Executive Secretary
Others Present: Greg Williamson, Williamson Shriver Architects
Cheryl Ranson, Public Service Commission
Lloyd Miller, Architect
Members Absent: Ron Spradling
Mary Jo Klempa
Rod Clay
The meeting was called to order and a silent roll call was taken and it was determined that a quorum was present. Chairman Monteleone introduced the people who are new to the board meetings.
Approval of Minutes:
Mr. Goetz noted that he should be marked as absent for the April 30, 2015 Board meeting. A motion was made to approve the April 30, 2015 meeting minutes as corrected. The motion was seconded. All voted in favor of the motion and the minutes were approved.
Old Business:
Due to the changes occurring with the Board, the Chairman asked that it be confirmed that the project which is the subject of this meeting is the only Design Build project currently before the Board. This was confirmed. Also discussed was the issue of records retention as it relates to the old files inherited during the personnel change in Department of Administration. Chairman Monteleone stated that construction records should be kept for ten (10) years; however due to the manner in which this Board approves items as they progress and once the project is completed the Board does not have any administrative procedural issues from the Board. Jennelle Jones reported that she reviewed the State’s guidelines on records retention and discarded documents in compliance with that.
The Chairman also brought up the prior discussions about periodic notification of county commissions and state boards, etc., of the Design Build rules on projects, and a link to the website information, so they can be properly prepared and proceed within the guidelines.
New Business:
Presentation by Public Service Commission
Cheryl Ranson addressed the board and expressed her gratitude for the Board’s attention to this matter, which helped to get this project back on track. Ms. Ranson shared with the Board that the criteria developer that was hired is Williamson Shriver Architects. Ms. Ranson turned the floor over to Greg Williamson, President of Williamson Shriver Architects, and he discussed the roles that his firm and Lloyd Miller will take in this project. Mr. Williamson called the Board’s attention to the bid proposal evaluations for the façade replacement for the PSC headquarters building, and reviewed the information for the three (3) builders who submitted proposals. See attached. It was noted that one other company withdrew their proposal because of other large projects and this one would exceed their available load capacity. The opening of the cost proposals is scheduled for next week, based upon approval of the Design Build Board.
Board Member Roy Smith made a motion that this process be allowed to move forward. The motion was seconded. The vote on the motion was taken and the motion passed unanimously.
At this time, discussion was then had about prevailing wage rates being paid, and what is being used for prevailing wage rates. Board Member “Woody” Thrasher stated that it is his understanding from Brian Helmick that there is no prevailing wage rate between July 1 and September. Jason Pizatella stated that he believes that Brian Helmick’s interpretation is correct because the statute says that WorkForce WV has to come up with methodology and the surveys were just sent out a week ago. Therefore, from July 1st until they publish something, there is no prevailing wage set. Board Member Smith asked, when cost proposals are already in hand, what are they doing from a labor standpoint. Because these proposals were received prior to June 30th, it is being looked at as if it is still in effect prior to June 30th. This is unofficial information, and it appears safer to leave it in and then deleting it later.
The issue of the filing of monthly reports for active projects was brought up briefly by Board Member Smith, which is required by the statute. Lloyd Miller was instructed to forward the 30 day reports to Joyce Jones and she will forward them out to the board members via email once received.
There being no other business to come before the board, the meeting was adjourned.